What Success Looks Like

CANS will have been successful in the area of Industry and Government Relations when we are part of the decision making process on public policy that affects our industry. Seen as the subject matter experts, CANS will be proactive in approach, relationship building and actively advancing the interests of CANS members and the industry at all levels of government and within the industry.

What We’ve Accomplished


CANS held meetings in Spring of 2013 with each of the 3 provincial Caucuses to discuss issues relevant to the industry, build relationships, and discuss the CANS election strategy. These meetings were well received by all parties and we have continued our efforts to ensure these lines of communications remained open throughout this election and as we prepare to hit the polls in just a few days.

On the Municipal front, CANS played an active role in the 2012 Halifax Regional Municipal Election, In early Spring 2013 CANS Executive met with members of Council and Mayor Savage to identify issues and discuss building a stronger relationship between HRM & industry. This event was a huge success and the consensus from both groups was that this should become an annual event and garner a commitment from HRM to work closer with industry.


CANS has long advocated for amendments to the Builders’ Lien Act and in 2012 actively participated in the consultation process, submitting formal recommendations to The Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia for the proposed new legislation. The recommendations would see an earlier release of holdback funds, a finishing holdback of 10% of the value of the work remaining; and public notice of substantial completion of the project.

All of our recommendations were formally accepted and Justice Minister Ross Landry tabled changes to the Act in May 2013.


Perhaps one of the biggest victories for CANS this year was the acceptance of the Apprenticeship Review Panel Recommendations in July. Myself and fellow Board member Heather Cruickshanks were representatives on the Apprenticeship Employer Review Panel which this past July made formal recommendations to Minister Corbett, Department of Labour and Advanced Education which were accepted in July 2013.


CANS has been working on your behalf throughout 2012-13 to understand the potential impacts of the Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia’s proposed policies on workplace stress and psychological injury and the definitions of contractor and sub-contractor.


In June of 2012 Bill 23, The Procurement Act of Nova Scotia came into full force, this enabling legislation provided CANS with the opportunity to partner with the province to revise the Nova Scotia Construction Guidelines. In September 2012 a working committee was established to review and revise this document. This document will serve as the standard which all provincial and municipal sector tender calling authorities will use during the procurement phase of a construction project.

Next Steps

The CANS Government Relations Committee will continue to strengthen the relationships we have made with government as well as other stakeholders, and to continue to ensure we are at the table regarding the issues facing our industry.