UPDATE – 9:00 am: CANS office in Burnside will remain closed for the FULL day on Wednesday, January 8, 2020. CANS Sydney office WILL be open for the morning; however, it will close early at 11:30 am.
6:45 am: Please be advised that due to snow and stormy weather conditions, CANS office will delay opening until 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 8, 2020.
Keep an eye on this space for further updates!
https://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.png00Alison Clackhttps://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.pngAlison Clack2020-01-08 10:56:172020-01-09 19:37:55WEATHER // UPDATED: CANS Office CLOSED on January 8, 2020
Today, Statistics Canada released Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data for Canada’s Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) and the areas outside of CMAs for 2016 and revised previous estimates for 2009-2015. All data are benchmarked to provincial nominal GDP at basic prices.
These results continue to show that just over half of Canada’s GDP is generated in the six CMAs: Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa–Gatineau. Like population, economic activities primarily focus in cities. In 2016, CMAs accounted for 71.1 per cent of Canada’s population and generated about 74.4 per cent of Canadian GDP. In Nova Scotia, Halifax accounted for 43.9 per cent of provincial population and 54.4 per cent of provincial GDP.
Overall in 2016, GDP per capita in reported CMAs was $54,683. Halifax’s GDP per capita was $49,638. Across Canada, the largest GDP per capita among CMAs is reported in Calgary, Regina, Edmonton and Toronto. However, results may be sensitive to fluctuations in commodity prices. The lowest GDP per capita among reported CMAs was observed in Oshawa ($32,259).
Outside CMAs, GDP per capita was $46,217. The highest non-CMA GDP per capita was observed in Alberta at $77,383 (higher than CMA GDP per capita) while the lowest was reported for Nova Scotia ($32,613). Per capita GDP outside Canada’s reported CMAs averaged 85.6 per cent of CMA GDP per capita.
From 2009-2016, GDP growth has averaged 3.9 per cent inside CMAs and 2.9 per cent outside CMAs. Halifax’s GDP grew by 2.4 per cent on average over this period, the same pace of growth for Nova Scotia outside Halifax. The fastest growing economies over this period were observed in Guelph, St. John’s, Kelowna and Lethbridge. GDP growth outside CMAs was faster in Manitoba, Ontario and British Columbia.
Nova Scotia’s GDP in 2016 was $37.80 billion, of which $20.55 billion was generated in Halifax and $17.25 billion was generated outside of Halifax. GDP has been rising in both Halifax and the rest of the province, but growth outside the city has been faster for all years except 2012, when two paper mills were shuttered.
On a per capita basis, GDP in Halifax remains significantly higher than in the rest of Nova Scotia. However, except for 2012, per capita GDP growth outside Halifax has been faster than inside Halifax, narrowing the gap in GDP per capita between urban and rural areas of the province.
https://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.png00Alison Clackhttps://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.pngAlison Clack2019-12-04 15:33:042020-01-07 17:16:44STATS // GDP by Census Metropolitan Area (2016)
The Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) and the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) are encouraging all members to voice their opinions in the review process of national codes, National Building Code (NBC), National Fire Code (NFC), and National Plumbing Code (NPC) of Canada that is currently underway.
https://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.png00Alison Clackhttps://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.pngAlison Clack2019-11-19 13:58:522019-12-11 18:10:31National Codes Overhaul: participate in the review process
https://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.png00Alison Clackhttps://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.pngAlison Clack2019-11-19 12:49:202019-11-20 15:30:28Ring in the holidays at CANS Open House, December 12
We have been following this project! Have you? See our Pipeline connection PL17-0253NS about the Halifax Transition House Association – Bryony House and view the Open Tender NS19-2272.
https://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Exterior-Perspective-4.jpg11522304Alison Clackhttps://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.pngAlison Clack2019-11-15 19:20:452019-11-15 19:59:26Follow the Pipeline: Bryony House – open for tender!
We can’t get enough of your feedback, so, in our excitement, we’re extending the deadline and offering two more chances to win! The results we receive for this survey are invaluable in charting the course for our Association over the next three years, so please take a few minutes to complete our Strategic Planning Survey.
https://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.png00Alison Clackhttps://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.pngAlison Clack2019-10-28 19:04:552019-10-29 11:43:28ANSWER OUR SURVEY FOR TWO MORE CHANCES TO WIN A $100 GIFT CARD!
https://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/WelcomeBanner-e1572270331994.jpg5511080Alison Clackhttps://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.pngAlison Clack2019-10-28 13:51:182019-11-20 15:46:06Get to know CANS newest members
Canadian Centre for Healthcare Facilities (CCHF) is pleased to present Improving the HealthCare Build in Halifax, NS, October 24 – 25, 2019.
Get perspectives from Chief Project Officers and expert advisors from across Canada on managing complex projects and advances in clinical design integration. You will learn about two upcoming projects in Nova Scotia: QEII’s New Generation Project and Cape Breton’s Regional Municipal Redevelopment Project. There will be a Networking Reception and Tours of innovative spaces including, the Assisted Daily Living Suite and Northwood’s Long-Term Care.
CANS Members get a special discount of 20% off the conference registration with the following registration code applied:
This very special eastern seaboard session aims to share both project information as well as key learning in improving care environments through the build drawing on expertise from across the country and highlighting new builds and upcoming projects.
In addition, the conference includes guided tours by clinical and facilities leads on innovative new areas that promote wellness and research to foster care from hospital to facilitating activities of daily living care and specialized equipment for leading edge brain research.
Canadian Centre for Healthcare Facilities (CCHF) is a national, not-for-profit association. CCHF’s goal is to help the healthcare facility sector achieve higher quality, more patient-focused and lower-cost healthcare environments.
https://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.png00Alison Clackhttps://www.cans.ns.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Cans_Updatedlogo-300x104.pngAlison Clack2019-10-16 18:32:092019-10-17 14:00:23Special Pricing for CANS: CCHF Conference, October 24 & 25