About CANS

Who We Are

The Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) is the leading voice of the construction industry respected by members, government, industry, and the public.

CANS represents more than 780 large and small companies throughout Atlantic Canada that build, renovate and restore non-residential buildings, roads, bridges and other engineering projects.

Since our inception more than 160 years ago, CANS has continued to provide unparalleled service to our members in the areas of:

Who We Work With

  • Owners and tender calling authorities
  • General, sub and trade contractors
  • Suppliers
  • Manufacturers
  • Design and Engineering Community
  • Municipal, Provincial, & Federal Governments

2020-2023 Strategic Plan

To view our 2020-2023 Strategic Plan, click HERE.

2022-2023 Annual Report

To view our 2022-2023 Annual Report, click HERE


The Construction Association of Nova Scotia proudly affiliates itself with the Canadian Construction Association.

Established in 1918, Canadian Construction Association’s (CCA) vision is to build Canada with ethics, skills and responsibility. CCA’s mission is to be the national voice for the Canadian construction industry. Members firms join CCA through their local or provincial construction associations and are entitled to numerous membership benefits including standard documents and construction guides, as well as updates on federal public policy and regulatory requirements. CCA represents more than 17,000 members firms drawn from 70 local and provincial integrated partner associations across Canada. CCA gives voice to the public policy, legal, and standards development goals of contractors, suppliers, and allied business professionals working in, or with, Canada’s non-residential construction industry.

The Construction Association of Nova Scotia proudly partners with the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency.

Apprenticeship is a post-secondary education and training program that leads to certification and quality careers in the skilled trades. Apprentices receive hands-on training from certified tradespeople along with in-class technical training. The Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency partners with industry, community organizations and equity groups to promote apprenticeship opportunities, and to ensure that trades specific training is responsive to the needs of industry and the Nova Scotia job market.