News // Halifax one of Canada’s fastest growing municipalities

From Saltwire – “Halifax was one of the country’s fastest-growing urban centres last year.

“According to data released by Statistics Canada on Wednesday [May 22], Halifax added just under 20,000 souls over the year preceding July 1, 2023, bringing its population to 518,711.

“’Oh God no, not even close,’ said Duncan Williams, president of the Construction Association of Nova Scotia, of the rate new housing is being built compared to population increases.

“’In the years leading up to the pandemic, our permitting and approval process was one of the most arduous in the country. There’s been a lot of progress made on approvals and fast tracking, but struggles remain.

“Those include, he said, limitations on the height of buildings keeping them to 40 storeys and that after the first six storeys, the footprint of the tower has to decrease.

“’Right now, we’re rushing to build and that’s good in a way but there are also risks,’ said Williams.

“’We’re not putting in the infrastructure to support the growth. There’s water, schools, highways.’”

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