NEWS RELEASE                                                                                     For immediate release
Construction Association of Nova Scotia wins Partner Association of the Year at Canadian Construction Association Annual Conference

HALIFAX, March 11, 2014 ‐‐The Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) was thrilled to take home the award for Partner Association of the Year at the Construction Association of Canada’s (CCA) Annual Conference taking place March 8-14th in Panama.

“We are always working to find new ways to engage our members and increase value and this Award is really the icing on the cake,” says CANS President Duncan Williams.” It is always great to be recognized for your achievements, especially on the national stage.”


“Throughout 2012/2013 we continued to work towards goals set out through our Strategic Plan, launched a number of exciting new initiatives, continued to provide our members unparalleled service, and saw progress on a number of public policy issues,” adds Williams.

The Canadian Construction Association’s National Awards Program recognizes the important contributions of individuals, organizations and projects that promote and enhance the Canadian construction industry, whether through innovation, projects, or dedication to the industry. For each award, the nomination should demonstrate a promotion and advancement of the construction industry in Canada.

The Criteria for Partner Association of the Year looks at Association programming and accomplishments, over the past three years, that address the following areas: Industry enhancement through lobbying, government relations, and public relations; education, including new initiatives; and membership including recruitment programs, growth and innovation. In 2011-2012 CANS also took home the CCA Award for Gold Seal Certification.

2012/2013 was an exceptional year for CANS, some highlights include:


  • Gold Seal Certification for all CANS Industry Education and Training courses making it that much easier for our members to achieve their Gold Seal Accreditation.
  • Launch of new education program in partnership with Dalhousie University, the Executive Certificate in Construction Leadership where participants will develop critical leadership and industry specific behaviours, skills and attitudes.
  • Introduction of CANS Connect, a high definition video system that allows members to connect with each other and training from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Over 3000 projects and tenders through CANSnet for 2012/2013 remaining the most comprehensive projects and tendering service in Atlantic Canada.
  • Comprehensive rebrand and website redevelopment that is a reflection of the growing and evolving industry and captures the scope of membership across the province and region, highlights the many facets of the industry, and is reflective of the organization’s 150 year history.
  • Working on behalf of members on public policy that affects the industry, most notably: changes to the Builders’ Lien Act, apprenticeship system review, changes to First Contract Arbitration, and the development of Procurement Guidelines.


“On behalf of CANS, we’d like to extend huge thank you to all of those who have had a hand in making this happen and to our membership for their support and commitment to the enhancement of the construction industry,” says Williams.


More information about the Canadian Construction Association’s National Awards Program can be found at

CANS represents more than 760 large and small companies that build, renovate and restore non-residential buildings, roads, bridges and other engineering projects. We are an industry trade association representing the interests of contractors, suppliers and service providers throughout Atlantic Canada and across the country. Construction is a $2.8 billion a year industry in Nova Scotia and employs nearly 30,000 men and women from across the province. For more information about the Construction Association of Nova Scotia visit




For more information contact:

Janet Tobin
Communications and Marketing Lead
Construction Association of Nova Scotia
Ph: (902) 468.2267 x. 713
Cell: (902) 818-0835