CCA Pleased with Pre-budget Consultation Report

CCA Pleased with Pre-budget Consultation Report. Read more here and here.

Government of Ontario passed amendments to its Construction Lien Act

Government of Ontario passed amendments to its Construction Lien Act. Prompt payment has been included in Act. Read more.

Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency is currently recruiting for Atlantic Trade Advisory Committee members

The Apprenticeship Board of the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency looks for employers and employees who are knowledgeable about the trades, who understand the labour market and who can commit to attending a number of meetings over a one to two year period. Expenses are reimbursed and members are compensated for meetings attended. Read more.

How the Construction Industry Is Using IoT and Sensor Technology

The internet of things and sensor-based technology can be used to create huge advantages on construction sites related to worker safety, cost reduction and predictive maintenance. This technology collects massive amounts of data and can provide different types of analysis: descriptive, relaying the current conditions of a specific piece of equipment or environment; predictive, to […]

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