Financial Issues Thwart Apprentices

Financial issues are among the biggest challenges apprentices must overcome to successfully complete their training, says a labour market analyst. Read more.  

Tapping into Kids’ Passion for Minecraft in the Classroom

Even young children can quickly progress from building a simple survival hut to creating impressive structures. For instance, the year three girls in a research project called Serious Play rebuilt their school in Minecraft. To achieve this they had to use a range of design, maths, art and geography skills. Read more.

Key Developments in the Canadian Construction Market

Despite the negative impact of low oil prices in the economy of oil producing provinces, Alberta and British Columbia registered the highest gains in investment on non-residential construction in 1Q15; 4% and 2% growth respectively. Read more.

Ottawa Relaxes Integrity Rules for Firms Doing Business with Government

The federal government has softened tough anti-corruption rules for companies that want to do business with Ottawa. Read more.  

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