The legality of municipal blacklists

The Blacklist is a popular program on television, but in the world of Canadian construction contracts, some municipalities are creating their own real-life blacklists. Read more.

Off-site Manufacturing Improves Construction Efficiencies

Two reports into the efficiencies of the Australian construction industry have identified and detailed the need for the industry to better embrace the use of off-site manufactured products. Read more.

3D Building Models Help Bring Sustainability into Construction

For years, construction was an analogue world: bricks and mortar; pen and paper. Buildings were designed and planned using traditional two-dimensional drawings, with errors or miscalculations sometimes only discovered once the structure was already forming on the ground. But thanks to advances in digital technology, the days of poring over crumpled rolls of complex blueprints […]

Dirty Jobs: Are We Overlooking a Great Opportunity?

Are dirty jobs great jobs? TV host Mike Rowe says many of the people featured in his show Dirty Jobs are entrepreneurs, investors and multimillionaires. Listen to the podcast.

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