How to complete ROE for COVID-19 related absences (For Employers)

March 23, 2020

Are you looking for guidance on how to correctly complete Records of Employment (ROEs) for COVID-19 related absences?
The following tips were shared by Ceridian for employers completing ROEs for COVID-19-related absences.
“Depending on the circumstances, your COVID-19 related reason codes will either be:

  • Code A (shortage of work (layoff))
  • Code D (illness or injury), or
  • Code N (Leave of absence)

Regardless of the season code, to increase the speed of processing, do NOT complete Block 18 (Comments). Despite some uncertainty, it has been confirmed that entering comments removed the ROE from the automated process and will increase the turn-around time for claims processing.

For direct communications from the government, Employment and Social Development Canada has posted COVID-19 related Employment Insurance program information here.”