The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) applauded the release of the Asset Management Primer, part of the Canadian Infrastructure Report Card, which details the important need for asset management plans for Canadian municipalities, as well as recommendations for implementing asset management practices.
“The release of the Asset Management Primer as a follow-up to the 2012 Canadian Infrastructure Report Card is a great next step to tracking and monitoring the importance of ongoing infrastructure investment in Canada,” said Michael Atkinson, president of the CCA. “Since what gets measured, gets done, this primer will go a long way to assisting municipalities in their efforts to continually improve and build the infrastructure that drives the Canadian economy.”
The first-of-its-kind Canadian Infrastructure Report Card indicated that fewer than 15 per cent of municipalities could provide asset condition information that was derived from asset management processes. While the condition of aboveground assets is more easily identified, assets not as visible are only more accurately monitored with asset management processes.
This past year saw increased awareness and promotion of asset management processes, including the federal government highlighting their importance in the New Building Canada Plan, the province of Ontario requiring asset management plans as eligibility for some provincial funding, and a number of municipalities developing their own asset management plans.
“This primer once again showcases the importance of strong asset management to the long-term viability and sustainability of our core public infrastructure assets,” added Atkinson.