Concerns Over Concrete Splatters on Worksites in HRM

Dear CANS Members,

The Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) advises our members that the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) receives complaints from residents living near construction sites (mostly large multi-story buildings) about concrete splatter on their vehicles and buildings.

We ask that contractors working in HRM take these concerns seriously and discuss onsite control methods with your teams as a part of your next toolbox talk. A common reason for these complaints is the concrete dripping from the concrete bucket and becoming airborne. Please be diligent when using concrete buckets to transport concrete, especially in windy conditions.

Some onsite control methods can include:

  • Regular inspection of the gate to ensure a tight seal
  • Replacement or repair of old equipment
  • Releasing the load far enough inside the floor area to avoid splatter from flying off the side of the building
  • Ensuring the exterior of the bucket is free from loose concrete or aggregate before hoisting
  • The use of a rubber hopper when appropriate
  • Reducing the amount of concrete placed in the bucket (especially during high wind events)
  • Providing shields/tarps where possible to control any loose concrete that may become airborne
  • Communicating with neighbours to relocate vehicles that may be susceptible to splatter
  • Regularly inspect surroundings and confront neighbours immediately if concrete splatter affects their property