Release of the Building Construction Price Index program

On May 23rd, Statistics Canada is launching an expanded building construction price index program.

A new price index for transit building construction will be added to the five existing non- residential building indexes, which include an office building, a warehouse, a shopping centre, a factory and a school. All of these indexes will be based on updated building models that reflect newer construction technologies and materials.

Coverage of building construction activity will also be expanded with the launch of new residential building construction price indexes. These will include an updated high-rise apartment building index, replacing the Apartment Building Construction Price Index, as well as new indexes for a single-detached house, a townhome and a low-rise apartment building.

Geographical coverage will expand from 7 to 11 census metropolitan areas for all non- residential and residential building construction price indexes, providing a more comprehensive picture of building construction activity across Canadian provinces.

The trade group level price indexes (e.g., mechanical, electrical, architectural and structural) for building construction will no longer be published on CANSIM, but will be available on request and at no charge.

More information will be available as of May 23 at You may also contact Statistics Canada by phone at 1-800-263-1136, or by email at STATCAN.infostats-