Nova Scotia’s proposed Built Environment Accessibility Standard work is now available for review and comment

Nova Scotia is developing its first accessibility standard with the goal of addressing barriers to accessibility in buildings and outdoor spaces.

This public review will ensure Nova Scotians have opportunities to share feedback on the proposed standard work. The Accessibility Act requires the involvement of persons with disabilities, the public and private sectors, and other community members in the development of accessibility standards.

The feedback from the public review will be provided to the Minister of Justice and the Accessibility Advisory Board for consideration before the standard work is finalized.

SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! Please review the proposed standard work and send in your comments. Feedback is due October 30, 2023.

Providing Your Feedback

Please review the information about the proposed standard work before you provide feedback. An overview of the proposed standard work in English, French, Plain Language English, and ASL are each linked here.

You can find information about the proposed standard work and provide your feedback online or via email, letter, or phone. More information is available here:

For additional information, you can read the full release from the Province here.


If you need any assistance with this public review process or have questions, please email

Want to know more about our accessibility work? To learn more about the work of the Accessibility Directorate, please visit