Family Income and Individual Income, T1 Family File (2019)

Overview: Statistics Canada has released estimates of family and individual income generated from 2019 T1 personal income tax returns.  This data shows how income is changing over time for particular types of families as well as how it compares by type of income and geography.

  • Median total income (among those who had income) for persons in couple families was $38,080 in Nova Scotia in 2019, which was 93.4% of the national average ($40,770).
  • Median income from all sources among persons in lone-parent families who had income in Nova Scotia during 2019 was $30,780, 90.4% of the national median ($34,060).
  • Median income from all sources among persons not in census families who had income was $28,400 or 91.1% of the national median ($31,190).
  • Nova Scotia’s median income of persons in couple families grew by 2.5% from 2018 to 2019, slower than the national pace of 2.8%.
  • Income growth for Nova Scotia lone-parent families was 4.8% in 2019, faster than the national growth of 4.2%.
  • Among Nova Scotia’s persons not in a census family, 2019 median income was 2.7% higher than in 2018, faster than the national median for this group (2.2%).

LEARN MORE: To find more information on family and individual income (2019), click HERE.